
Your best chance to volunteer as an individual is to join our “SNL,” the Short Notice List. When we need help, we call people on the SNL until we get enough. All you need to do is say yes or no. Please fill out the volunteer form completely. (Link below.) We will contact you after we receive it. PLEASE NOTE: We do not take on new volunteers just for holidays.
Please click the orange form link below to sign up:

Volunteers Signup Here

Most of our days at the Soup Kitchen are staffed by volunteers from organizations (churches, businesses or charitable groups) who volunteer on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. Many of these groups have been coming for years. They provide the food, cook and help clean up the kitchen. (This is why food is not a huge need for us.) Not all groups provide all the food; that varies from group to group.

We do have a few days without a scheduled group, and sometimes groups need more help. That is when we contact people on the SNL.

Please NOTE: Volunteers must be at least 12 years old, and volunteers ages 12-17 must have a signed liability release form before they begin work. Volunteers under the age of 18 are not allowed to operate equipment such as slicers, knives, etc. No exceptions–this is a state law.

Community Service Volunteers

You must speak with the Executive Director to arrange for Community Service. We do not take offenders with theft or violence issues. If you are under 21 and have been sentenced to do Community Service, do not have your parent contact us–do it yourself.

The Soup Kitchen, Inc.
Mission Statement

The mission of the Soup Kitchen is to provide a nutritious daily meal to the hungry of the area.  The Soup Kitchen also provides a safe and sheltered place for social gathering during the hours of its service.  Secondary to these two primary goals, the Soup Kitchen staff may help clients meet other needs by coordinating with other social agencies, as time and resources are available.

Our Wish List is Closed

          We received notice a few days ago that the Salvation Army is terminating our lease. We must leave the building by April 30, 2025. We will continue to serve our guests a daily lunch, but where and how are yet to be determined. Moving to a new location will be expensive, so your monetary support is important. Please click the “Donate” button at the top of the page to help. Thank you for your support.

233 Michigan Street

Benton Harbor, MI 49022 (We are at the back (east end) of the Salvation Army building.)

Mail: PO Box 8210 Benton Harbor, MI 49023